Grapes Are Sour completing story in 100-300 words, all class

Grapes Are Sour completing story: If you are a school or college student and looking for a Grapes Are Sour story for your upcoming exam, you are in the right place. In this article, we provide four different types of this story with easy words.

Article typeCompleting story
Story title/moralGrapes Are Sour
For Class6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Word variant100, 150, 200, 300 words

Grapes Are Sour completing story for classes 6,7

A fox was very hungry and moved here and there in search of food. He entered a forest where there were grape trees. The grapes were ripe and looked very fine.

He said, “I must get some grapes to satisfy my hunger. They must be very sweet.” He jumped up to reach the grapes. But the grapes were hanging high up.

So, he could not get at them. He tried again and again but failed every time. At last, he found that it was useless for him to try anymore.

So, he went away and consoled himself saying that the grapes were sour and he did not want them. The clever fox hid his failure and falsely blamed the grapes for being sour.

Grapes Are Sour completing story for class 8

Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vineyard. He was very tempted at the sight of grapes.

But the grapes were hanging very high. The grapes were too high for him to reach. The fox felt greedy to see the grapes. He wanted to have some of them.

So, he was thinking about how he could reach the grapes. But there was no way to reach the grapes. So, finding no other alternative he ran and jumped high to catch the nearest bunch of grapes. He made several attempts but all were in vain. Each time he missed the juicy grapes.

At last, he became tired and disappointed. He thus, consoled himself saying, “I did not mean to have these grapes. These grapes are sour indeed.”

Don’t miss: Slow and steady wins the race story

Grapes Are Sour completing story SSC

Once a hungry fox was searching for food in the forest. After a while, he came to a vineyard. He was very tempted at the sight of grapes. But grapes were hanging very high from the bunches of the trees.

The fox wanted to have a good dinner then. He said to himself,” If I can jump high enough, I shall have a good many of them.” Thinking so, he jumped to have some of these grapes.

He tried his best to reach the grapes but he could not. He jumped over and over again. The more he jumped, the more tired he became.

At last, he became very tired and could no longer jump. Then he realized that the grapes were out of his reach. He became frustrated and gave up trying to get the grapes.

He only looked at them with his greedy eyes and after a while, he went away saying, “Grapes are sour. They are not worth eating.”

Grapes Are Sour completing story for HSC

One hot day a fox was walking through a field by a bush. He was very hungry and was searching for something to eat. After a long walk, he came to a vineyard. The vines in it were laden with fine ripe grapes, which were hanging in bunches from tall poles.

The fox thought, “I shall have a good dinner now.” If I can jump high enough, I shall have a good many of them.” Thinking so, the fox began to jump but could not manage to reach the grapes. He jumped over and over again, but the more he jumped the more tired he became.

But he did not have a rest. Frustrated, he kept looking at the grapes with greedy eyes. After some time he began to jump again but the grapes were out of his reach.

When he saw that it was useless to try any longer, he stopped attempting. As he went away he said to himself, “Grapes are sour and not worth eating”.

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