Computer Paragraph: Learning to use a computer is very important for this generation. So, today, we learned how to write a paragraph about “Computer” for classes 6, 7, 8, SSC, HSC, and job seekers.
Post type | Paragraph |
Title of paragraph | Computer |
For Class | 6,7,8,9,10,11,12 |
Word variant | 100,150, 200, 250, 300 words |
Table of Contents:
Computer Paragraph for Class 6
The invention of the computer is one of the greatest advances in modern technology. It is a fairly recent invention. A computer is a substitute for the human brain. Computers are capable of doing extremely complicated work in all branches of learning.
A computer can perform calculations that trained mathematicians would need years to complete in a few minutes. The fastest computers can handle millions of problems in a few seconds. They can perform many operations simultaneously without any confusion.
Nowadays, computers have become very sophisticated and can be put to various uses. They are already used in industries and universities. They can run a business, play chess, or even compose music. They have greatly benefited us and brought about revolutionary changes in our lives.
Computer Paragraph for Class 7
Computers are a wonder of modern science. They are electronic devices that render great service to mankind. They work based on instructions given by the operator and process data according to instructions. Computers are used in all spheres of life.
Offices, medical science, commerce, banking, research work, education, printing, designing, etc greatly benefit from computers. There is hardly any area where computers are not used. Computer have lessened our work loads. It has also made our life comfortable. It has also brought about a great change in information technology.
With the help of the internet, man can do rapid communication. It is also used as an entertainment. One can play games, enjoy video and audio songs, watch TV programs, and chat with friends through the computer. A computer can calculate one’s account very rapidly. A computer works like magic. Modern life cannot be thought of without computer.

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Computer Paragraph for Class 8
The computer is the latest miracle. It is a great advancement of modern science. A computer consists of five major components. They are the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, the control unit, and the arithmetic unit. One has to turn up the start button to operate it.
Then by clicking the buttons, one can use it in his/her way. One has to click on the close button if she/he wants to stop it. Computer is of great use to us. It has lessened our workloads and made our lives easy and comfortable. But it has its demerits too. It causes diseases like respiratory stress injury and weakens the eyesight of the operators.
Though it has demerits, computer renders great service to mankind. It has become almost part and parcel of our modern day-to-day life. To keep pace with the modern world of science and technology, computer education has been made compulsory in schools and colleges. The use of computers in Bangladesh is remarkable because our target is to build a digital Bangladesh.

Computer Paragraph for SSC
The computer is a wonderful scientific invention. Charles Babez offered a primary concept of computer. Based on his concept, the first automatic electronic computer was invented in 1946. So he is called the father of computer. It is such an electronic machine that makes decisions very swiftly by receiving messages of data and analyzing them automatically.
Following the act and activities, computers can be divided into three classes. They are analog, digital, and hybrid computers. According to form and formation, computer can be divided into four classes. They are supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, and microcomputers. Micro-computer is also called PC (Personal computer.
The computer has some specific parts. These are the input device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), and output device. However, computer are of great use to diseases, entertainment, games and sports, transport, the educational sector, research space, and whatnot. It has worked a great wonder in inventing e-mail, and the internet. Present lives cannot be led without a computer. Truly speaking, we are dependent on computer.
Computer Paragraph for HSC
Computer is a wonderful invention of modern science. It is an ultra-modern electronic device of modern technology. It does the function of storing and analyzing information. But it cannot do anything by itself. It works based on the commands given by the operator. Charles Bavez, a British professor of Mathematics, gave an idea that helped the human brain. Then Howard Hathaway Aiken, an American scientist, invented the modern computer.
A computer has four main parts such as the input unit, the output unit, the memory unit, and the control unit. A computer has three functions. It receives data, processes it, and finally emits it. The computer is used for various purposes. It does great service to mankind. It is now being used in various fields like education, medical science, agriculture, trade and commerce, printing, the industrial sector, etc. It has lessened our workload, saved time and distance, and made our lives easy, comfortable, and enjoyable.
But the computer has its demerits. It causes many diseases like cancer, brain tumors, high blood pressure, etc. It weakens the eyesight of the operator. It is also used for destructive purposes in war. However, we cannot go a single moment without a computer. Computer have recently been part and parcel of our daily lives.

Finally, the Computer paragraph is very important for all class examinations. We provide different word segments for different classes. So share with your friends if you love them.