A Day Labourer paragraph for class 6, class 7, class 8, class 9, class 10, SSC, and HSC with 150, 200, 250, and 300 words variants. We hope this paragraph helps you improve your writing experience in the examination and also learn about their daily struggles, contributions, and the importance of their role in society.
Post type | Paragraph Writing |
Title of paragraph | A Day Labourer or, Life of a Day Labourer |
For Class | 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |
Word variant | 150, 200, 250, 300 words |
Some questions about the “A Day Labourer” paragraph for easy learning.
- Who is a day labourer?
- Where does he work?
- What are his daily activities?
- What problems does he face in life?
- How much is his wage?
A Day Labourer paragraph for class 6,7
A day labourer does not have any permanent work. He usually earns his daily living by doing hard work. He gets up early in the morning and goes out in quest of work. He works hard from dawn to dusk and gets his wages at the end of the work.
Then he goes to the shop or market to buy his daily necessities. He has to work hard in various fields. He is always dependent on his employer. He earns more on some days and his family can eat well. It is a happy day for them. But this does not happen regularly. Some days he does not find any work. Then he and his family have to go without food.
So sorrows and sufferings are his daily companions. He does not know what joy and happiness is. He earns his living by the sweat of his brow. But he is ill-paid and very much neglected. Sometimes he is maltreated. But the service of a day labourer is of great importance. So we should show them respect.
A Day Labourer paragraph for class 8
A day labourer is a person who leads his life by the sweat of his brow in various fields. He is healthy, strong, and stout. He lives with his family in a slum and lives a subhuman life. He is usually employed in agricultural and construction work. He works from morning to evening according to the direction of his employer.
He gets up early in the morning and goes out searching for work. In the evening, he gets his wages. Then he goes to the market, buys his daily necessities, and returns to his house. He has both pleasures and pains. If he earns more, he gets pleasure. When he fails to do that, he gets pain. Sometimes, he and his family go without food.
The life of a day labourer is full of sorrows and suffering. In good or bad weather he has to work hard. He does not know what rest is. Though the service of a day labourer is essential, he does not get his due respect. So we should have soft feelings for him so he can lead a decent life with dignity.
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A Day Labourer paragraph 250 words
A day labourer is a person who does heavy work in the fields. He is known to all in society. He is to be healthy, strong, and stout. Generally, he lives with his family in a slum. He lives a poor life. He lives a subhuman life. He gets up early in the morning and goes out searching for work. He works hard from morning till evening. He gets his wages in the evening.
Then, with his small income, he goes to the market and buys all the necessary things. He has both pleasures and pains in life. If he earns a lot of money, he gets pleasure. He gets pain when he fails to manage enough food for himself and his family. Sometimes, he and his family have to go without food. Again, he cannot bear the educational expenses of his children.
Actually, he has to work hard to earn his livelihood by the sweat of his brow He does not know what rest is. However, his service is essential. So we should have sympathy for him. Something should be done to change the sad lot of a day labourer. Steps should be taken to fix the laborers’ minimum wages so they can lead a decent life.
A Day Labourer paragraph 350 words
A day labourer is a person who does heavy and unskilled manual work. He is usually employed in agricultural or construction work, so he needs more strength than skill. He works hard from morning to evening, but he is ill-paid at the end of the day. His scanty income cannot meet the bare necessities of life.
A day labourer usually lives in a slum and leads a miserable life with his family. Though he works hard and engages himself for the whole day long, he cannot earn more than he needs. Whenever he can earn a little bit more, his joy knows no bounds. He buys delicious food and enjoys a good meal with his family.
During harvest, his work is in great demand and he earns more. But when there is less or no work, his sorrows know no bounds. Sometimes, he has to starve with his family members. Actually, in respect of work, a day labourer has no choice. Sometimes, he is seen coming out of his house with a spade and a basket.
Sometimes, he works in the field, on construction projects, digs soil, breaks bricks, etc. At the end of his work, he gets his payment and becomes very happy. He tries to save something from this. But when he gets no work, his life is at stake. As he is an unskilled labourer, his wage is very low and he lives below the poverty line.
We write some variants for your class standard. However, if you have any reading issues or, find any unknown word that you have to need bangla meaning, just comment us.