Application for Setting up a Canteen – Class 6,7,8, SSC, HSC

Application for Setting up a Canteen for Classes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, SSC, and HSC students. Includes four formats and examples. In this post, we use a sample student name, school, and college name. You should use questions with specific names or your original name.

Post typeApplication writing
Application topicSetting up a Canteen
Suitable ForClass 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, SSC, HSC

Application for Setting up a Canteen for Class 6

18 May 2025
The Headmaster,
Cumilla Zilla School, Cumilla.

Subject: Application for setting up a canteen.

We are happy to inform you that our school is very famous but there is no canteen in our school campus. We have to stay in our school from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. So, we have to take tiffin from the outside dirty hotels. It is not safe for our health.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to consider our proposal to set up a canteen on our school campus to remove our sufferings and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
The students of Comilla Zilla School.

Application for Setting up a Canteen for Class 7, 8

18 April 2026
The Headmaster,
Dhaka School, Dhaka.

Subject: Application for setting up a canteen on our school campus.

Ours is a big school with two thousand students. But it is a pity that there is no canteen in the school. Our classes continue from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. We can’t attend the afternoon classes without a good tiffin. The restaurants around us are both expensive and unhygienic.

In these circumstances, we hope that you would be kind enough to take steps to set up a canteen on our school campus for the benefit of the students.

Yours obediently,
On behalf of the students of Class 7,8.

Application for Setting up a Canteen for Class 9 (SSC)

10 May, 2027
The Headmaster,
Sonapur High School, Rangpur

Subject: Application for a canteen on the school campus.

We, the students of your school, have the honour to state that there is no canteen on our school campus. We have to stay at school from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We can not pass this long time without having a good tiffin. So we have to go outside to take tiffin. Sometimes we miss our classes. Moreover, the food items in the roadside restaurants are not good for health. So we are badly in need of a school canteen.

We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to take the necessary steps to set up a canteen in our school as soon as possible and oblige us thereby.

Yours obediently,
The students of Sonapur High School.

Application for Setting up a Canteen for HSC

5 January 2024
The Principal,
Shahid Smriti College, Araihazar, Narayangonj.

Sub: Prayer for setting up a canteen on the College campus.

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that there is no canteen on our college campus. We acutely feel the need for a canteen. Our classes start at 9 a.m. and break up at 4 p.m. There is a thirty-minute break at lunchtime. However, most of the students cannot go home for lunch because they live far away. They have to take their lunch at roadside hotels and restaurants. But most of these are unhygienic.

Moreover, a college canteen may provide low-priced hygienically prepared food. In light of the above circumstances, we pray and hope that you would be kind enough to set up a canteen on the college campus and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
Shima Akter,
On behalf of the students of the College.

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