A Fisherman paragraph for class 5,6,7,8, SSC and HSC

A Fisherman paragraph: Hello my dear students, today we write a paragraph on a fisherman or you can say the life of a fisherman. This paragraph is very important for primary, secondary, and college students.

Here are some questions about a fisherman paragraph. You can write this paragraph by answering these questions.

(a) Who is a fisherman?
(b) Where does he live?
(c) What type/kind of man is he?
(d) How long does he work?
(e) What do you know about his daily activities?
(f) What are his pleasures and pains?

A Fisherman paragraph for class 5,6,7 (100 words)

A fisherman is he who lives by fishing. Generally, a fisherman lives in a village near a river. He is very laborious. He catches fish in the seas, rivers, and ponds. He catches fish by nets and boats. Most of the fishermen are poor. They have no net or boat of their own. The life of a fisherman is very risky. He often has to go to fish at night in the seas.

When he catches a lot of fish, his joy knows no bounds. He serves the nation as he provides us with fish. So, we should be sympathetic to them. As they are mostly poor, the govt. should do As they are mostly poor something for them.

You can read: An Ideal Student Paragraph

A Fisherman paragraph for class 8 (150 words)

A fisherman is someone who lives by catching and selling fish. Generally, a fisherman lives in a village near a river or a sea. He catches fish in the deep seas, rivers, haors, beels, and ponds. He works hard all day and night. He is often seen making new nets and repairing old ones. Most of the fishermen are poor. They have no net or boat. So they work in groups.

The life of a fisherman is very miserable. He often has to go to fish at night in the big rivers or the seas. During the stormy nights, his family members remain anxious for his safe return. Though fishing is challenging it is interesting too. When he catches a lot of fish, his joy knows no bounds. After all a fisherman does much good to us by supplying fish.

Life of a Fisherman Paragraph for SSC (200 words)

A fisherman is a person who lives by catching and selling fish. He generally lives by the side of seas, rivers, canals, and marshy places with his family. He works hard all day and all night. He is always busy making his nets, repairing them, taking care of his boats, dying, and painting them. He spends most of his time catching fish.

Fishermen are usually brave and industrious. Most of them are poor. They have to live from hand to mouth. They can hardly save anything for the future. A fisherman gets much pleasure when he can catch a lot of fish. He gets pains when he fails to catch fish. Sometimes, he has to suffer a lot without food and other necessary things.

The government should give them loans on easy terms, take steps to ensure their safety, and provide them with all possible facilities so that they can lead decent lives. A fisherman does much good for us. We depend on him for our fish, so a fisherman plays an important role in our society.

A Fisherman paragraph for HSC (250 words)

A fisherman is a man who earns his living by fishing. Bangladesh is a land of rivers, canals, haors, etc., with lots of fish, so fishing has become an important occupation for many people. Fish is an important source of our proteins.

So, we can say that our fishermen supply us with protein food. They usually live near the seas, the rivers, on the banks of canals, and marshy lands for their professional convenience. Their houses are usually thatch-roofed. But it is a pity, their standard of living is very low. They lead a very ordinary life. They find it difficult to make both ends meet because of their meager income.

They are diligent and painstaking, but their income is not always proportionate to their labor. When they catch fish in plenty, they pass their days happily. But they face hard days when fish is scant. Some fishermen go to the deep sea for fishing and spend their days together. Sometimes, the sea turns rough so, they cannot go fishing.

Sometimes, the sea becomes suddenly turbulent and the members of their family remain anxious for their safe return. They have no radio set and motor boats. They cannot listen to the weather warning. So, they cannot return to the shore safely. Thus, a fisherman suffers many hardships for livelihood.

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