Female Education is very important in every country. Dear students, If you are searching for a Female Education paragraph for your upcoming exam, this post help you in many ways. So, let’s start-
Female Education paragraph
Some important questions for this paragraph. In the examination, you can write this paragraph by answering these questions.
- (a) What is the condition of female education in our country?
- (b) What are the barriers on the way of female education?
- (c) What are the reasons behind these barriers?
- (d) Why is female education important?
- (e) How can these problems be solved?
Female Education paragraph for HSC
Education is the backbone of a nation. The prosperity of a country mainly depends on the education of its population. About fifty percent of the total population of a country is female. A country cannot expect prosperity avoiding this large part of the population. A man or woman without education leads the life of a lower animal. It is not possible to do everything in life only by men. They need the help of women. In that case, female education is necessary in many ways.
Firstly, women have some special tasks and duties. Education is very necessary to do their duties properly. Without education, all their prospective faculties will be crippled. Secondly, every woman is a potential mother. The education of a child greatly depends upon its mother.
In that case, an educated mother would be able to bring up her child better than an uneducated mother. Thirdly, social responsibilities should also be shared between men and women. In conjugal life, a woman can help her husband. For this purpose, a woman has to be educated. Otherwise, she would not be able to understand her responsibilities to her family.
Besides, women in present society are very neglected. To avoid neglect women should be educated. Some people are strongly opposed to female education. They think that women’s only duty is to do household affairs, rearing children, and ministering to the comforts of their male partners. For this reason, they say that it is useless to educate women.
Our main object is to educate our women. By education, we do not mean to receive different degrees. The traditional system of education for girls should be changed. Cooking, sewing, child rearing, Home Economics, and Nursing should be introduced in the curriculum of their studies. Besides, early marriage is one of the obstacles to female education in our country. For this reason, they cannot be educated.
So this system should be removed from our society. We cannot think of the progress of our country avoiding our females. So all necessary steps should be taken to encourage female education for the survival of our country. It is a matter of joy that our government has already taken different steps for the expansion of female education.
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Female Education paragraph for SSC
Female education means the education of girls or women. In the past, its condition was deplorable. Women were deprived of the light of education. At present, they have become very much conscious of the importance of education. All facilities are not still available for female education. There are some barriers on the way of female education. Social customs and prejudices strongly act against it.
Many ignorant parents think that educating girls is a waste of money. They strongly oppose female education. They only believe in the traditional role of a mother, a wife, and a homemaker. Some other causes behind these barriers are our narrow outlook, religious misinterpretation, illiteracy, ignorance, lack of a safe and secure atmosphere, etc.
Without education, no nation can attain its progress. Educated women become conscious of their rights, duties, and responsibilities. They can perform their duties properly. They can contribute a lot to the economy of the country. The true development of the country depends on contribution. Besides, they can properly bring up and educate their children, the future of the nation.
So, Napoleon rightly says, “Give an educated mother and I will give you an educated nation”. The government has taken some steps like giving stipends to girls, making female education free up to the H.S.C level, etc. to ensure female education. Something more must be done to make all the girls and women educated.
Female Education paragraph for JSC or class 8
Female education means the education of women. Female education in Bangladesh is not yet satisfactory. In our country, there are still some contradictory views about female education. Many illiterate parents think that educating their daughters is just wasting money, for they will be soon married off and will be of little help. But with all these beliefs people are coming forward to educate their daughters. It has taken a positive turn.
Gender discrimination is the prime barrier on the way of female education. Illiteracy, fanaticism, etc. are the reasons behind the barrier. Female education is of prime importance for the coordinated development of a country. Education enlightens our minds, develops our abilities, and gives us knowledge of health, sanitation, and population control. Neglecting the womenfolk, no nation can develop.
So, to achieve progress and prosperity, we must facilitate and ensure female education. To solve these basic problems, we must put more emphasis on female education. And if it is ensured, the picture of our country is sure to change. In addition, we ought to overcome the wrong attitude towards the female gender. If these can be done properly, our country is sure to move ahead with a positive sign of development.
Female Education paragraph for class 6,7
The prosperity of a country mainly depends on the education of its population. About 50% of the total population of our country is female. But girls are tremendously neglected and maltreated in our society. Even, sometimes they are deprived of education. As a result, the nation suffers terribly.
In no way, we can expect our prosperity to avoid half of our population. Education is the prerequisite of any development. So, girls’ education is a must for our overall development. Female education improves the health and nutritional status of the country. It also reduces population growth and increases economic productivity. Women’s contribution to nation-building activities cannot be described in words.
But it is very shocking to note that even today many parents are unwilling to educate their daughters. Religious misinterpretation and social superstition contribute largely to it. It is high time we took the issue of female education with due importance. For this, first of all, we have to change our outlook towards female education realizing the importance of educating girls. All necessary steps should also be taken to encourage female education.
So, that’s our Female Education paragraph, especially for HSC students. If you think this paragraph is very hard to learn, comment us for more easy words.