Testimonial application for classes 6,7,8, SSC & HSC

Testimonial application for classes 6,7,8, SSC, and HSC students. Find a simple and clear application with three formats for school and college students. Also, perfect for any academic purpose.

Post typeApplication writing
Application topicTestimonial
Suitable ForClass 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, SSC, HSC

Testimonial application for classes 6, 7, 8

18 July, 2025
The Headmaster
Pabna Zilla School, Pabna.
Subject: Application for a testimonial.

I beg to state that, I was a regular student of your school for the last five years. I have passed the SSC examination in 2019 from your school. I obtained G.P.A-5. So, I wish to get myself admitted into a college. Now, I need a testimonial from you.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly issue me a testimonial referring to my character during the period I was in school and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
Md. Masud, Rajshahi.
Roll No. 2024857
Session: 2017-2018

Testimonial application for SSC

8 July, 2024
The Headmaster
Mymensingh Zilla School, Mymensingh.
Subject: Application for a testimonial

With due respect, I beg to inform you that I was a student of the science group of your school. I have passed the SSC Examination from your school this year. I have got GPA-5. Now I have decided to get myself admitted into a govt. College. So I need a testimonial/ a character certificate from you.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial or, a character certificate mentioning my academic record and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently,
Sofiqul Islam
Exam. Roll- 147486, Class Roll- 02.
Science group.

You can see:

Application for Testimonial HSC

8 April 2025
The Principal
Nagarkanda College, Faridpur.
Subject: Application for a testimonial.

I would like to state humbly that I have come out successful in the HSC examination this year from your college. Now, I wish to get myself admitted into a university. For this purpose, I need a testimonial regarding my results and character.

I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my prayer to pass an order for issuing a testimonial as soon as possible and oblige thereby.

Obediently yours,
Tasfeen Gazi

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